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Research from a vast number of reputable sources shows that those who grow up without their fathers are more likely to face adverse outcomes resulting from perceived abandonment, attachment issues, abuse, mental health issues, poor school performance, substance use, poverty, lack of purpose, loss of identity, just to name a few. Fatherlessness today is a social epidemic, one that the author is acquainted with. He shifts the focus from the facts to the people and uses his journey to unpack thoughts for transformation to help others overcome fatherlessness challenges.

For Boys in Men's Bodies

  • I'm a digital product detail. I'm a great place to add more information about your product such as format, duration, and, when applicable, the genre and the episode name. This is also a great space to give your customers a short content brief. Buyers like to know what they’re getting before they purchase, so give them as much information as possible. Make it enticing - but without any spoilers!

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